Computer Vision and Biology (3D Scanning Army Ants)

This project was both unique and exhilarating, offering an experience that most computer scientists rarely encounter. I had the privilege of collaborating with Thomas Bochynek, a swarm biologist I met at Northwestern, and Professor Mike Rubenstein on an extraordinary venture. Together, we embarked on a mission to perform tomographic reconstructions of ant bivouacs, a task that required us to design and build a custom 3D scanner and develop the entire algorithmic pipeline.

The project took us deep into the Panamanian jungle, where we worked alongside the Smithsonian Institute, merging cutting-edge computational imaging with hands-on fieldwork. The blend of technical innovation and the adventure of collecting ants in the wild made this project not only intellectually rewarding but also genuinely enjoyable.

Research Videos

Here's a collection of videos that shows what we've done.

Movie S1: Rendering of bivouac internal structure

Movie S2: Projection sequence and on-line calibration

Movie S3: Bivouac renders time series

Movie S4: Colony collection and CT scanner setup
